Attraction Review: Magic Kingdom Park

So we move outside the UK for my second country, the good old USA. As I mentioned in my last blog, whilst I’m in the midst of discovering some new places in the UK, I’d like to expand on my travels outside of it, starting with America. Although Orlando may not be the first port of call for most travellers and is more reserved for the tourists of the world, it is still something that every human being should do and will enjoy.


The first of many different parks located in Orlando is probably the most famous in the world. Every child dreams of visiting Walt Disney World, and when one thinks of Disney? I imagine the first thing that comes into your head is the castle. Welcome, Magic Kingdom! This was our activity on our first day here, the very first park we visited and it really is the perfect place to start.

For ages I had people rattle on at me about how the atmosphere and experience was unlike any other place in the world, and for a while I thought it was rubbish…until you walk through the gates for the first time. It’s one of those things that you can’t really describe, and I’m sure everybody who has been there will understand that. The music, the characters, the majority of the time there is always something going on near the castle and also seeing the look on other families faces and realising they’re as excited as you are.

I’ll be honest, the main drawback to this park is the rides. If you’re a kid, then great! You’ll love pretty much everything there. However, if you are visiting as an adult, like I did then there are only really a couple you’ll properly enjoy. Space Mountain is pretty cool and by far the best ride in the park but outside of that the only real thrill rides you have are the Seven Dwarves Mine Train and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad which are fairly average in comparison to how long you queue.

The rest of the rides are more charming, based around a Disney film or aimed more towards the younger generation, which of course there is nothing wrong with at all as these represent most of the visitors. To make up the rest of the day, the Pirates of the Caribbean is a good laugh, the Buzz Lightyear shooting game is good fun and if you really are properly brave…you could consider It’s a Small World. But only if you’re hardcore.

So the best thing to do here is really just soak up all the atmosphere, although the rides aren’t world class they are still worth going on. The whole magic of this place is it is often the first day of people’s trip here which just adds to the experience even more. For me it was my first taste of American culture which I was completely fascinated by, even though it isn’t the kind of place one visits when trying to understand different cultures. Simply put it like this, it’s a fantastic way to start a holiday in Orlando and the place really is something quite special. The fact that the park is so highly rated mainly down due to this, it’s definitely something you have to put on your bucket list.

Rating – 4.5 Stars


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