Destination Review: County Galway

This place has a sentimental value as well as being somewhere that I wholeheartedly enjoy. I’ve visited this area quite a few times as my Dad lives here, but I hadn’t been for far too long until I visited last month. It’s very easy to see why he lives here as the area is exactly what one would think of Ireland. You drive around and there’s just green everywhere. I recently declared my disappointment of Dublin, but as far as I’m concerned places like this are what Ireland is about.


The city of Galway is fairly chilled, although the races were on last time I went the atmosphere was fairly good and whilst the city was rammed, you still have the opportunity to zone out once you get out of the main streets. The many markets were in force and there’s loads of cool spots to eat and some great pubs.

Outside of Galway you just have the greenery everywhere. Trees, rolling hills, the coast and lots and lots of green. The houses are beautifully built and don’t really come in bulk either meaning that they compliment the surroundings rather than ruin them. The weather wasn’t even that great but it still didn’t feel out of place. The hills that see over most of the area are littered with rocks everywhere making it a challenging walk but the views from the top are rewarding enough to compensate.

In terms of things to do you have a few beaches and the Atlantic Ocean to swim in (if you can deal with how cold it is!), there’s a great spot by a small pier where everyone dives in and has a swim in the cold clear water. As well as that you have a few castles around, Dunguaire is the one we saw the most of and has a wonderful surrounding area being placed directly on the coast. As well as this you also have the Aillwee Caves which are great for a family day out, you have a guided tour through and have the chance to spot a few natural waterfalls within as well. Just down from the caves there is a birds of prey sanctuary which gives you information about the birds, some of which is fascinating, especially about vultures.

All in all the Irish countryside kicks ass. I’m not gonna really waffle on for much longer about this. There are so many things that keep bringing people into Ireland, and most of them you can tick off by staying in this area. It’s also a fantastic gateway to the Cliffs of Moher and the opportunity to do so many cool activities. Forget Dublin, this is where it’s at.

Rating – 3.5 Stars


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